Ketika aku berusia 15 tahun, aku ingin mempunyai apa itu SIM. Orang tuaku menyetujuinya dan mengantarku ke Polres Sidoarjo untuk mengurus SIM tersebut.
Sesampai disana aku harus memenuhi persyaratan - persyaratan yang sudah ditentukan. Persyaratan pertama kalau belum punya KTP ( Kartu tanda Penduduk) dan masih pelajar harus membawa foto copy Kartu Pelajar dan KSK ( Kartu Susunan Keluarga), setelah itu membeli map dan formulir , terus mengisinya.
Sesudah itu ketempat test kesehatan dan Asuransi. Namun aku di tolak karena usianya belum cukup, katanya minimal untuk SIM C itu 16 tahun. Terpaksa aku menunggu 1 tahun lagi.
1 tahun kemudian aku kembali lagi untuk mengurus SIM. Setelah persyaratan selesai, aku harus melewati 2 test, yaitu test tulis dan peraktek. Waktu test tulis aku di hadapkan dengan 30 soal, alhamdulillah aku bias melewatinya dengan hanya salah 11. Terus yang ke-2 test praktek, disitu dihadapkan dengan beberapa rintangan. Aku melihat orang yang dulu test nya mereka banyak yang gagal karena melanggar peraturannya, waktu giliran aku test tak henti-hentinya aku berdo’a agar aku bias melewati test ini dan dapatkan SIM.
Aku sangat bersyukur ternyata aku lulus untuk mendapatkan SIM. Hingga, sekarang aku tidaklagi kawatir jika mengendarai sepeda motor di jalan raya, karena sudah memiliki SIM.
Pesan saya janganlah kalian mengendarai sepeda motor dijalan raya sebelum kalian punya SIM. Karena itu melanggar peraturan
SIM (driver's license)
When I was 15 years old, I want to have what is a SIM. My parents agreed and drove to police station to take care of Sidoarjo SIM.
Arriving there, I have to meet the requirements - requirements that have been determined. The first requirement if you do not have ID (Identity Card) and still a student must bring photo copy of Student Card and KSK (Family Composition Card), after it bought a map and form, continue to fill it.
After that place the health tests and insurance. But I was in decline because of his age is not enough, he said, at least for the SIM C was 16 years old. I had to wait 1 more year.
1 year later I came back to take care of the SIM. Having completed the requirements, I have to pass 2 tests, the test write and peraktek. When I write the test in about 30 confronted with, thank God I'm biased through it with only one 11. Hold that the 2nd test practice, there are faced with several obstacles. I saw one of his first test of their many failed because it violates the rules, I turn to the test of time unceasingly I pray that I'm biased through this test and get a driver's license.
I'm very grateful it turned out I passed to get a driver's license. Until now I no longer worried if riding a motorcycle on the highway, because it already has a driver's license.
My messages do not you ride a motorcycle street traffic before you have a license. Because it violates the rules
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1 komentar:
Well described about SIM. We know only SIM for Subscriber Identity Module.
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