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Posted by fariel354

Please visit You'll get a page as shown below.

If you already have a login in Google, you stay logged in, you'll go to Control Panel or Control Panel.

Oh yes, you can select the language, whether Indonesian or English.

For this time I think you do not already have a Google login.

Click the big arrow that says CREATE YOUR BLOG.

So far, very easy and will continue to ease.

Step 2: List of Blogs
Complete Your Registration
after you click the arrow that reads big YOU CREATE BLOG, it will emerge as the existing form in the image below.

This process will create a Google account that you can use on other Google services. If you already have a Google account maybe from Gmail, Google Groups.

A google account can be used to access all the facilities provided by Google.

If you already have a google accout, you can simply log in (go). To login to Google, you must log in using your email address.

Please complete.

Registration Form 1

Registration Form 2

Step 3: Create a Blog
Choosing a Blog Name and Blog URL
If you are successful, you will be taken to a page as shown below. If it fails? Usually fail because the verification word you're wrong. That is reasonable because the word verification is often difficult to read. The patient only, repeat until correct. I own up to repeat 3X.

After you successfully register, you'll be taken to a page like in the picture below. Now you begin to create a blog by filling in your name and address of your blog.

For example, I named the blog with the name Zahidah Hasna. do not be suspicious, Hasna was my daughter. I chose the blog address with the address
as alaternative, can also

If you make a lens to promote your product or affiliate products, so in choosing a name, must contain the name of the product or service that you offer. For example, if you want to sell my e book, you can choose key words such as motivation, success, positive thinking, and other key words as appropriate.

You can also research keywords that are most sought after people (of course must be related to the product you sell) on
https: / / / select / KeywordToolExternal

You can check availability for your chosen blog address. If available you can proceed. If not available, then you have to be creative to find a different name or modify an existing address, for example added abc, xzy, 101, and can also insert yourname.

Continue to click the arrow labeled CONTINUE.

Blog Making Process

Step 4 Blog Templates
Choose a design according to your taste.
Successful? Course successfully, it is easy. If successful, you will be redirected to a page like in the picture below.

Select a theme according to your taste. If nothing is within their tastes, do not worry, I'll still many options that you can install the theme itself. Now just choose a theme for the blog creation process can be completed. You can preview themes with a click of the drawing.

Choosing a theme for your click (mark) o as shown below. See what I pointed with my artificial red arrows.

After that you click the arrow that reads CONTINUE

Selecting Themes

Learning to Make Blog Done
Now we just posting, settings, and layout
Congratulations, now you already have a blog. Now you can already post your thoughts on the blog and shared by all the world (Indonesia).

Indeed there are still some things you should do, namely setting, layout, adding the element, and the replacement of the theme if you want another theme. This is for advanced.


Posted by fariel354


1.) Type "" in the address bar

2.) Then came the look of the registration

3.) After registration filled as below,
Then click on "Register!"

4.) Then enter the password,
Then click “next “

5.) Then comes the look,
Then click “continue”

6.) click "browse" to take photos
After taking photographs,
Then click the "upload photos" to view images

7.) Hi5 has become


Posted by fariel354 Label:


1.) Type "" in the address bar

2.) Then came the look of twitter,
Then click "sign in."

3.) Then came the look of the registration

4.) After registration filled as below,
Then click on "create my account"

5.) Then came the view
Once filled,
Then click "create my account "

6.) Then comes the look,
Then click "Next step: Friend"

7.) Then comes the look,
Then click "Next step: Others"

8.) Then comes the look,
Then click "Next step: you're done!"

9.) Twitter has become


Posted by fariel354 Label:


1.) Type "" in the address bar

2.) Then comes the look,
Then click on "sign up for free"

3.) Then came the look of the registration

4.) After registration filled as below,
Then click on "sign up at Plurk"

5.) Plurk has become


Posted by fariel354 Label:

I.GE Series
1.Adjectives and Adverbs  chapter 11, page 96

Pay attention to the following sentences

The students do their examination quietly
That motorcycle drive very slowly

Words like quietly, slowly, badly, etc are adjective. We use them with nouns as attribute adjective such as “a bad view” , and predicate adjective like “the view is bad” here are some examples :
The students are very naughty
He is a bad performer

Badly and slowly are adverbs. Adverb are used to describe how people do things or how things happen.
Notice the following examples:
He spoke nicely
She sings very good

2.Coordinate Conjunctions  chapter 12, page 105

Form :
V + and + V (the second auxallary may be ommited if it is the same as the first auxallary)
Infinitive + or + infinitive (the second to may be ommited)
A parallel structure may contain more than two parts. In a series, commas are used to separate each unit. The finall comma which precedes the conjunction is optional but is costumaraly used. (no commas are used if there are only two parts to a parallel structure.)

The following conjunctions are always used in pairs. They are : both . . . . and . . . ./ not only . . . . but also . . . ./ either . . . . or . . . . / neither . . . . nor . . . .

3.Gerund and Infinitives  chapter 12, page 10
4.Present Progressive Tense  chapter 13, page 115
5.Suffixes  chapter 13, page 118
6.Imperative  chapter 14, page 127
7.Question Tags  chapter 14, page 129
8.Comparing Things  chapter 15, page 135 -- 136
9.Preferences  chapter 16, page 145- 147
10.Can, Could, Be able to  chapter 159 – 160

Notices :
Make summary about that above topics and give some exercises& key answers
to support your explanation. It is very helpfull if you give supporting learning website about that topics.


Posted by fariel354 Label:


1) Go to browser and click at the address bar

2) And then in the window computer will be show a Homepage of facebook

3) Enter your identity in the box and then click sign up

4) After that, Facebook will show the windows again with menu security check

5) Enter the code security check in the little box under the security code, and then click sign up

6) You have finish your registering in facebook, but you must confirm with your email first, click go to yahoo mail now to the windows of facebook.

7) Than, with the automatic facebook connect you with your email, I will show you confirm the email address with yahoo

8) Enter your email address and your password in the box to make a sure with your email

9) In step 1 you will ask with facebook aboutto find friends ,you can skip this progress

10) In the step 2, you will ask with facebook about your profile information, if you need it, enter your identity in the box and then click save and continue.
If you will do it later, click skip

11) In the step 3 or the last step, Facebook ask you about your photo profile. What you will gave your photo now, if you will gave the photo profile later click skip



Posted by fariel354 Label:


For me the internet is important to support my activities. Besides the internet is important because I am a child of multimedia. Internet for me is also a second place to add a science than by reading books. When I use the internet I felt opened the facility with more real world.
Usually time will I need to access the Internet is uncertain, depending if the many tasks that ada.saya longer use it as many tasks that must be diselesaikan.Biasanya until two or three hours of lebih.Tapi for ordinary days, I usually spend enough time maximum one I was among those jam.tapi yangt rarely absent in accessing internet.hampir every day I spend time in the afternoon or after sunset me to use internet facilities.
I often open the site certainly is GOOGLE. Because there I can find what I want to know. For me GOOGLE like "shaman" who knows what. But sometimes I also opened a Facebook site. To know the news just looking for my friends.
Actually the Internet was very much benefit. Besides we can learn to independently via the Internet, we can also meet with our old friends. For example via social networking facebook.Tapi all depends on the individuals who not only have internet menggunakan.karena positif.tapi side even had a negative side
Me also want to propose, if only the internet connection plus school students would probably be more developed and more active in learning.


Multimedia is one of the existing majors at my school .. . why I chose multimedia? The first reason, because today is the era of globalization which requires a lot of knowledge about technology. And I personally do not want to be clueless about computers. Secondly, I was someone who had a great desire to become a progressive, broad-minded and successful. I believe in this multimedia bias I deliver on this desire.
After one half of this semester there are problems that affect the not so big, there's just a little problem, namely the number of tasks given by teachers true multimedia sha takes more time to do it. But just given the time that I think less.
The most interesting thing for me in multimedia is that I have a lot of new knowledge which can be used to me not so mengoprasikan computer. But this time I demanded to be friendly with the commuter.
My plan after graduation is to work first, while saving money in order to continue the high keperguruan, because my dream is to become a smart person who has a lot of knowledge.


According to my english is very important because it is one of the most important key for success. In addition to English language, is an international language which setian people should be mastered, which today is the era of globalization, which requires us to communicate with other individuals who may speak different from us.
The most important thing is difficult for me to learn my grammar english is less able to understand the grammar-grammar correctly. But many are also things interesting when I learned the English language. One of them is how to read in English, which sometimes for me sounded a little drum and funny.
Sometimes a person is afraid to learn English because it is difficult to understand. With other existing local language Indonesias. And the way I know to increase our ability to be liked, and every day trying to speak English. Therefore we will not speak english.


Posted by fariel354 Label:



- Open Software photoshop.
- Open photo :
Klick File-klick open-choose file-klick open.

- next, klick image-adjustments-hue/saturation.

- It will appears table.

- Drag the cursor to the left antil -100.
- Next, klick OK.

- To Save.
Klick Open-Save As.

- Next, give name and klick Save.




Posted by fariel354 Label:


1. Open your browser and go to URL that is Start page will appear as the Gmail website show in the image below.

2. To start a new email, SobatKP simply click the option to 'Sign up for Gmail' and will open the page "Create a Google account - Gmail '. You can select Options Languages On the right the "Change Language". Whenever Here's use English, you can also choose Indonesian.

3. Fill stuffing box 'First name', 'Last name' and 'desired Login Name' to this email address, you can check the availability of addresses (check availability!) That you want, whether e-mail address of your choice already exists that uses or not (eg, whenever's use sobatkp to an email address that have not used). Then enter the password and confirmation password (for security or select a passkey to the strong green color to the brim).

Question Furthermore, the Secondary email, Location (select Indonesia, this option is usually selected by default ', Enter the characters shown on the screen in Word verification column. Next Therms of service if you want to read it please, but in case you do not understand? Roll Just the box to bottom. after you are sure you enter the correct data, please click the button I accept Create my account.

4. If no errors, a new page will appear 'introduction to Gmail'. click I'm ready - show me my account right side of the screen.

5. Next, will open a new page again. This page E-mail your actual Gmail. Typically there will be a notification email from the 'Gmail Team' that your mail account has been active as well as notification of the service they give to you.

Congratulations, you have to have their own free email address.


Posted by fariel354 Label:


E-mail stands for electronic mail correspondence, which means in the Internet. E-mail is widely used for reasons easily transported and quickly to the goal. E-mail does not require paper or stamps, but simply typing through the keyboard and within seconds after being sent, a letter will reach destination despite receiving thousands of miles distance, without limitation of time and space.

E-mail is one of the facilities of the Internet's most frequently used and most popular. At least every person who accesses the Internet, they must not forget to check your inbox (inbox) in e-mails, because this is the only means of sending a letter of the most expensive in the world.

* MAKE e-mail from yahoo

1.the first step open the browser you used it (can IE or Internet Explorer, Mozilla Fire fox, or even opera, it's up to you) ... then enter the URL address,

2.a moment later the yahoo mail page will appear, make sure the pages like the image below

3. Notice on the right page, if later on you have registered and want to open the email, then enter the yahoo id and pasword you, then click Sign In. But because you are not registered yet, and yet possessed yahoo Id and password of course, then you just click the Sign Up menu located at the bottom of the menu sign in. sometimes also at the top, just search for it with the words Sign Up or Register

4.immediately after you click Sign Up, will appear on the registration form page with yahoo email as shown below

then you just enter the data yourself susuai identity column has been provided. below me give an example of how the filling

a. for charging the column 'email alternative' emptied just fine,
b. Enter the code in the field provided, that is yahoo asking to enter the code as it is to maintain the security of the machines spam yahoo server.

5. If you've filled all, click on the yellow button labeled [create my account]
if the field has a form you fill in correctly, then a moment later, a confirmation window will appear, as shown below. Click the Continue button to continue the process

6. moment will then be redirected to enter your email contacts .. there must exist an incoming message from ... usually form of enjoy congratulations.

This view e-mail that has been so